Abruzzo - vine med kraft og saft

Abruzzo - wines with power and juice

4 products

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    In the middle of Italy, east of Rome facing the Adriatic Sea lies the region of Abruzzo.

    Around this province and its fields, an excellent wine made from the blue Montepulciano grape is produced, with long proud traditions. The majority has been produced for everyday use, but in the past decade more and more producers have made wine that has been slightly aged and thus produces a deep and concentrated wine with juice and power and a good amount of acid.

    There is often a confusion of names with the town of Montepulciano, which is located in Tuscany, and it is therefore important to emphasize that these two have nothing to do with each other.

    4 products
    2019/20 Fosso Corno, Montepulciano d'Abruzzo "Sabrina & Marco"
    Fosso Corno
    DKK 169,00
    2017  ORSUS Montepulciano d'Abruzzo - Ludv. Bjørns Vinhandel
    2019/21 ORSUS Montepulciano d'Abruzzo
    Fosso Corno
    DKK 199,00
    2019 Zeresimo, Fosso Corno (Superabruzzo)
    Fosso Corno
    DKK 215,00
    2019 ORSUS Riserva, Montepulciano d'Abruzzo
    Fosso Corno
    DKK 259,00
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