Rioja - Spaniens bedst kendte vinregion

Rioja - Spain's best known wine region

4 products

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    If one has to name one of the more famous wine regions in Spain, one of the first would be Rioja. Rioja is located in the northern part of Spain, and has a length of 120 km and a width of 40 km. The name Rioja comes from one of the rivers that run through the area, the tributary of the Ebron, the Oja. Combined with the word Rio (=river in Spanish) you get Rio(o)ja.
    Rioja is divided into three sub-districts, namely Rioja Alta, Rioja Baja and Rioja Alavesa. What the three areas have in common is that they are influenced by both the winds from the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the Mediterranean in the southeast. This means only light frost and snow in winter, a mild spring, a warm but short summer followed by a long warm autumn.
    There are four different quality designations within the Rioja wines:
    • Joven - no forced storage
    • Crianza - at least two years of aging
    • Reserva - at least three years of ageing, of which at least six months in casks
    • Gran Reserva - aged for at least five years, of which at least two years in barrel
    4 products
    2020 Vina Salceda Crianza, Rioja
    Vina Salceda
    DKK 119,00
    2018 Vina Salceda Reserva, Rioja
    Vina Salceda
    DKK 149,00
    2018 Vina Salceda, Conde de la Salceda Reserva, Rioja
    Vina Salceda
    DKK 299,00
    2001 Campillo Gran Reserva, Rioja
    DKK 349,00
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