Red wine
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Red wine is the preferred type of wine in Denmark and is mainly produced from blue grapes. In red wine, the skins ferment during the production process and this is where the active substances are, which give the wine acidity, aroma, fullness, strength, etc. Research has shown that a moderate intake of red wine benefits health. This is due to both the alcohol and the content of polyphenols, which are antioxidants.
At Ludv. Bjørns Vinhandel has a very large range of red wines, and we import from virtually all red wine-producing countries. We work directly with both large and small red wine producers and thus avoid all expensive links. In other words, we have red wine for every price and taste.
In the drop-down menu at the top, you can quickly and easily click on the country and the red wine you are looking for. Alternatively, you can also use the search field at the top right to find the wine.
You are of course also very welcome to contact us on telephone 33 15 16 13 or by email info@lbv.dk .
Also check out our selection of white wines and rosé .