Möet & Chandon
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Moët & Chandon Champagne was founded in 1743 by Claude Möet and was initially called Moët et Cie. It was not until 1833 that the company changed its name to what we know today.
Today, the company in Epernay owns almost 1,200 hectares of land, from which approx. 28 million bottles annually, which helps make Moët the largest champagne house of all.
The house is now part of the luxury group LVMH and is also a royal court supplier to Queen Elisabeth II of England, which must be said to be a significant stamp of quality.
Moët introduced the first vintage champagne in 1842 and Moët's intro champagne Imperial brut was introduced in the 1860s. Imperial is produced for approx. 12 million fl. yearly.
The house's prestige wine, the house's "Grande Marque" Dom Perignon, was produced for the first time in the 1921 vintage, but was only released for sale in 1936. Dom Perignon is the prestige champagne that is produced in the largest quantity, namely up to 5 million fl. per year.