Copenhagen Sparkling Tea
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Copenhagen Sparkling Tea Company offers a fantastic beverage category all to itself. In the Copenhagen Sparkling Tea Company, they combine many different types of exclusive teas - from the fine white teas to the powerful black teas and in this way create completely new nuances of taste in the world of tea. In other words, Copenhagen Sparkling Tea Company combines teas in the same way as you combine grape types in a Cuvée for e.g. Champagne. The result is the three Sparkling Teas in the versions Blue, Red and Green, which combine the tea's fantastic properties and deep flavor nuances with the sparkling and fresh taste experience from Champagne. All three are naturally organic.
Copenhagen Sparkling Tea Company wants to offer deep taste, great body and high flavor complexity - without it having to be tied to a high alcohol percentage.
The story behind When award-winning Danish sommelier Jacob Kocemba went down to his cellar to experiment with tea in 2011, he stood on the shoulders of proud 1,000-year-old tea traditions that few other beverage categories can match. Nevertheless, the ambition was already then to think about tea in a completely new, unique direction, and Jacob set about developing new methods to extract the flavors from the tea at different temperatures. The first Sparkling Tea was served at the Copenhagen Michelin restaurant Hermann (NIMB), and today Copenhagen Sparkling Tea is available at several Michelin restaurants in Denmark and Sweden.
The method When the right Cuvée of teas is composed, a limited amount of white wine (in RED and GREEN) or grape must (in BLUE and LIGHT RED), a little freshly squeezed lemon juice and a small amount of sugar are added. BLUE, however, is only sweetened by the grape must. The white wine and grape must bring together the flavor nuances of the various teas in a vinous expression and therefore give Sparkling Tea the same possibilities of use as, for example, Champagne. The lemon juice is added to balance the sweetness. The contents then go through a carefully developed and secret refinement process before being bottled in champagne bottles with more than 5 bar pressure. The method has been refined through hundreds of trials and flavor combinations, and the vastly different water temperatures and long steeping times give fantastic nuances and depth of flavor .