Vermouth / Vermouth
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La hora de vermú (time for vermouth) is a Spanish term that the Spaniards refer to when it is aperitif time with a small tapas - or two - to go with it.
Vermut is a German term that means wormwood and is an aromatic and spicy mulled wine to which, in addition to wormwood, a sea of different herbs can be added under the term "free play".
And because the herbal addition varies greatly, vermouth tastes very different. Some taste like dark cough syrup and green walnuts. Others of orange peel, cloves and cinnamon. Common to all, however, is the bitter touch of wormwood.
Historically, there are two types of vermouth: sweet red and dry white. Today, the selection is somewhat more sophisticated and includes both extra-dry white, sweet white (bianco, blanc), red (rosso, rouge, roux), amber (ambrato, ambre) and rosé.
And while we're at it: Vermouth is the Spanish term, i.e. without the o and h, while vermouth is the general term for this forward-thinking aperitif.