White wine
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White wine is the name for the green or yellow wine, which is mainly produced from yellow or green grapes, where the skins have been removed before fermentation has started (in contrast to the production of red wine). White wine is produced wherever grapes are grown and is really just fermented fruit juice.
At Ludv. Bjørns Vinhandel has a very large range of white wines, and we import from virtually all white wine-producing countries. We work directly with both large and small white wine producers and thus avoid all expensive links. In other words, we have white wine for every price and taste.
In the drop-down menu at the top, you can quickly and easily click on the country and the white wine you are looking for. Alternatively, you can also use the search field at the top right to find the wine.
You are of course also very welcome to contact us at info@lbv.dk or by phone 33 15 16 13.